On our handmade shoes, bags and small leather goods we apply the legal guarantee. This means that the product is what you can expect it to be. If you purchased the item through our own channels, we will do our utmost to always look for the right solution. Here we take into account durability, quality and of course customer friendliness. Within six months of purchase, we are always accommodating when dealing with complaints. Outside this period, each complaint is examined individually how we can best resolve it. Please contact our customer service. We do not guarantee wear and tear on soles, broken zippers and other defects caused by misuse.
Did you know that you can often prevent wear and tear by giving your shoes the proper treatment? Through our maintenance page we would like to advise you on the proper maintenance for your shoes, also all maintenance products that you need are available in our webshop, very convenient!
Sign up your repair
Do you have a complaint about a defect article of Shabbies Amsterdam? On this page you can sign up your repair by following two simple steps. The repair department contacts you within three days. Upload your complaint and invoice as a .jpg file.
Add a photo or image of your proof of purchase in the form of a receipt or bank transaction in the form below. This is necessary to determine whether the repair is covered by the warranty. We cannot help you without proof of purchase.